
Money Maker

1st Player

Good 'Ol Boy

Biv's Cannon

Biv's Cannon (detail)

Clear Water
found shiny objects, silver mylar, mirror, projection, part of the Lillian B. Feinstein scholarship award
What you see before you is experiment; a curious foray of light, material, and the dialogue between them. As an artist, there is an inherent interest in beauty, in people, and what connects the two together. More often than not it is a culture that is shaped, lauded, and sold to the masses, one that thrives on subconscious tricks. What is it about the twinkling of light in an object that is so attractive? It is not merely enough to hold a diamond in your hands—every sense wants to take part; to hold, to touch; to see; to taste. But we love to fool ourselves into a false sense of superiority and forget that we are just as much an animal as the Magpie, who has been known to steal rings and other shiny objects to build an attractive nest for mates. What it comes down to is thirst; a desire so strong it becomes an unquenchable need. Put the diamond in your mouth, on your lips, on your tongue. It is not enough; You must become the diamond. That inescapable yearning for the Real, when we were everything and everything was a pure sensorial experience of “New”; that unidentifiable objet petit a that would complete us could we know just what it is.
Please don’t lick the art.